Hitch Cleaning Memory
I can only presume that Memory Clean is doing what it is designed to do, but I have no reason to believe that it isn’t. What I find a bit confusing is that it requires multiple passes to reach maximum effectiveness. By this I mean (using made up figures since they are never the same), I start with 5.99 free space, execute the program and end with 6.09. When I immediately re-execture the program I end with 6.23. If I continue to re-execture the program the ammount of “free space” increases, in ever lessening amounts. Seems to me the program ought to ‘free’ up all unneeded memory on the first execution because it takes time to re-execute it 3, 4 or more times to truly reclaim all memory that is not necessary to operate the current programs.
Bipedallou about
Memory Clean - Monitor and Free Up Memory, v6.2